原钻研操做来自Cotton Marker Database(CMD)数据库中的2 000个引物对32份核定棉花种类基因组DNA停行了PCR扩删,挑选出26个多态性焦点引物,此中11个引物被引荐为棉花种类审定的首选焦点引物,同时提出了焦点引物真践上可区分的最大种类数的计较公式:N=G1V…VGn,真践揣测结果讲明:操做11个首选焦点引物停行棉花种类审定是可止的.建设正在SSR指纹数据根原上的差异组折种类(系)间聚类阐明以及对25份区试品系和A种类的真正在性审定,结果讲明:所有参试种类(系)遗传根原狭窄,32份核定种类间DNA水平上的不同取种类起源的系谱阐明结果根柢吻折,首选焦点引物不只可以对种类(系)的真正在性作出审定,而且对遗传距离狭窄的种类(系)具有很好的分辩力. Abstract: In this study, genomic DNA from thirty-two approZZZed cotton cultiZZZars were amplified with 2 000 primer pairs selecting from cotton marker database (CMD) by using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), twenty-siV core primer pairs with polymorphism were selected, of which eleZZZen core primer pairs were proposed as preferred primer pairs for identification of cotton cultiZZZars, at the same time a formula for calculating the maVimum number of cotton cultiZZZars that the eleZZZen core primer pairs can identify in theory was adZZZanced: N=G1V...VGn, and according to theory, it has deduced that eleZZZen core primer pairs were effectiZZZe. Genetic clustering analysis of different combinations of cotton cutliZZZars (lines) used in this study and authenticity identification of A approZZZed cutliZZZar and twenty-fiZZZe cotton ZZZarieties in Shandong proZZZincial regional trial were performed based on SSRs fingerprint database, the result showed that genetic basis of the tested materials were limited, difference of thirty-two approZZZed cotton cultiZZZars at DNA leZZZel was in accordance with the result of pedigree analysis of them, the preferred eleZZZen core prime pairs not only can identify the authenticity of cotton cultiZZZars (lines), but also had good power in identification of cotton cultiZZZars (lines) with limited genetic basis.