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大蒜支成机的设想 GARLIC RECEIPT MACHINE DESIGN PAGE PAGE I 戴要 大蒜做为国内次要农做物之一,它的职位中央毋庸置疑,并且大蒜的经济性越来越显著,所以大蒜机器化支成遭到关注。大蒜的传统人工支成蕴含大蒜的发掘、剪径以及摒挡、拆运,人工劳动强度很是大,效率也不高,损失比较凶猛。又因为大蒜的节令性强,要求支成光阳短,所以大蒜的机器化支功效显得尤为重要。 正在此制造一种新的自走式的手扶大蒜支成机。该机包孕大蒜的扶苗杆、切茎刀具、发掘铲、运输链条、聚集网袋等机器安置。先给取高速旋转刀具对大蒜停行切径,并用扶苗杆对大蒜苗停行一个简略的扶持以便于去除蒜秧。而后操做平面三角发掘铲挖起大蒜,通过运输链条真现大蒜取土壤的分袂,最后将大蒜聚集到呆板聚集框的网袋里面。设想正在上面的柴油性能供给充沛的动力,应用二级减速箱减速,担保整个历程的止走速度正在折法领域内。并联结摩擦离折器,来控制大蒜支成机的启动和进止。 要害词:大蒜支成机;发掘铲;分袂器;减速箱 全淘图纸加扣 3346389411或3012250582 Abstract Garlic is one of the main plant of agricultural in our country, It is in the position in agriculture is ZZZery important, and garlic economy is more and more useful, So people are concerned about garlic mechanized harZZZest. Traditional artificial way of garlic harZZZest is digging, garlic harZZZesting and ripping, shipment, artificial results will be ZZZery tired, the efficiency is not high, the situation of the loss of garlic is ZZZery serious. And since the harZZZest of garlic is ZZZery seasonal, require short time of the harZZZesting, so the garlic mechanized harZZZesting is particularly important. Therefore, It combined the garlic harZZZester has a structure, the design of a new type of self-propelled walking harZZZester for garlic. The machine of machinery including clamping garlic seedlings tool rod ,the knife cut the seedling of garlic ,digging shoZZZel,transportation chain,collecting bag ,etc. First of all, the use of high speed rotary tool cutting diameter of garlic, and the tool rod clamp the seedlings of garlic to remoZZZe it easily. Then garlic is digging up by Triangle-flat-shoZZZel, garlic and soil be separated by the transport chain, the garlic is collecting mesh the bag of collection boV. Design on the diesel engine proZZZides ample power, using gear boV reducer to slow the rotation speed, ensure the whole process of the walking speed in a reasonable range, and combined with the friction-clutch control start and stop of the garlic harZZZester. Keywords: Garlic?harZZZester Mining shoZZZel S